Event is at 7pm CENTRAL TIME (5pm Pacific)

Anna Fritz is a released Friend with a music ministry under the care of Multnomah Monthly Meeting in Portland, Oregon. She is a cellist, activist, folksinger, and composer who has offered programs and performances for Friends and secular audiences across the country. She writes songs that are used as political anthems and intimate prayers, touching on themes of colonization, climate change, racial justice, gender, and connection with the natural world.

In this new virtual program, Anna offers up a live performance of her songs and reflections on what this time requires of us. We will be invited to worship, to sing, and to share with each other. With her cello and voice, Anna is calling us into deep reckoning, the cultivation of resilience, and courageous Spirit-led action in the world.

The Zoom Meeting Link for this event is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89008505563?pwd=bjI3SFMvVzRoMjU0V280RlF5VnlsQT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 890 0850 5563, Passcode: 803398. If you are only able to join via phone, please call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Please login by 6:45 pm Central Daylight Time to ensure that there are not any technical issues. If you have trouble logging into Zoom, send an email to: zoom@milwaukeequakers.org with your phone number and someone will contact you as soon as possible. Please be aware there may be a delay.